Tuesday 8 May 2012


I enter a green forest where the sun peeps gently through the canopy of ancient trees. I am aware of sounds, smells, sights, butterflies in colours I never knew existed, animals who were not afraid of me, a meandering river making love to smoothe stones, giggling at their mingling. I feel the warm sunlight upon my being; I glimpse the blue sky & fluffy white clouds through the wise old trees looking down upon me with love. In the distance I see an old chapel hidden within the greenery, & I walk towards it. I approach the entrance by walking down five, well worn stone steps, & I knock on the old oak door, but nobody answers, so I push the door open & enter. I walk down the aisle of the empty old chapel until I get to the front pew in front of the altar where I sit down & look around me. The walls were made of very old, thick grey stone that had seen centuries. The altar was lit from a glass dome above it, where a shaft of sunlight threw its blessing into the gloom of the grey stone, illuminating it & casting mysterious shadows in its path. in the middle of the altar space were a circle of eagle-bedecked lecterns, each holding a big thick book, heavy tomes bound in old cracked leather, each a different colour, every one open, & revealing ancient parchment, each in a different tongue. I walk towards the altar, & as I stand in the centre, surrounded by the ancient books, I hear a voice that tells me to open any book at any page, & I would find a message that would be important to me. I am confused as there are so many books to choose from, & so many pages. I knew I did not have much time & had to return to where I came from & I began to fret. I looked up, & standing next to me stood what looked like an angel, a figure of bright light with wings, hazy, but comforting. I looked at the sepia front page of the book in front of me, & then I started flicking the pages trying to get the message. on the front page of this book was written; “carry on the way you are, on your journey, & all shall become clear”. I walked to the next book, but the angel came to me & put a hand on my shoulder, & saying in a very gentle voice: “all these books you see here are the secret books of knowledge, of all the religions of the world, & in all of them, you will find the same message, so go on your way knowing the truth.” I felt blessed knowing that all religions lead to the same end. I retraced my steps back through the forest, past the river & out into the sunshine of consciousness, back to the reality of the world as we know it, but now I am a wiser person.

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