Monday, 15 September 2014


You spend years merely yearning for their birth,

Then suddenly they are here upon this earth,

They are just tiny little babies within your arms,

Then suddenly, they´re apt to so many harms.


They practice being grownups & push you away,

You cling to their babyhood & you will them to stay,

“Let me help you love & show you how it works,”

“I´m no longer little mum”, your words, just irks.


The first smile, wobbly step & very first bike ride,

Bravado on their part & from you, they then hide,

The chubby little legs & then sadly, its big school,

Then off they go to Uni & you try hard to be cool.


Now suddenly gone, along with old times past,

Suddenly, now where did that time go so fast?

That sleepy-time cuddle & the baby-breath kiss,

Such sudden silence & our babies we do miss.

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