Tuesday, 1 April 2014


Mama, from where do all the teardrops come, before they leave the eye?

Child, they come from many places, from deep down inside,

They come from heart & soul, from sadness & from joy,

Escaping through the eyes, of every little girl & boy.


Mama, to where do all the teardrops go, once they´ve left the eye?

Child, once they´ve washed the pain away, they go back up to the sky,

Then through the heart & soul again, they´ll be ready to be cried,

Teardrops are God´s kisses child, for all pains to be dried.


Sometimes tears are wept, just to release an aching pain,

Sometimes tears are cried, just because of joy that´s gained,

Teardrops come & go my child, to those who are strong or weak,

Tell me now my child, why is that little teardrop escaping down your cheek?

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