Wednesday, 30 April 2014


Remember when we were still in mum´s womb?

We heard her wondering, “Will it be May or June?”

When we tickled her tummy with a squirm & wiggle,

We felt her hand touch us & then her nervous giggle.


I was the first born, arriving on the last minute of May,

You embraced first minute of June & we decided to stay,

Hence our names by mama given, of May & June Rose,

The fun began, as twins, with no plan for rest or repose.


Oh delicious confusion we caused of, “Is it me or you?”

I stole juicy apples one morn, still slicked with early dew,

Farmer Brown chased, shouting, “I´ll get you miss June”,

Not knowing, it was miss May, who ran away far too soon.


Only you would do homework, being always the clever one,

And I´d copy it down, but only after playing out in the sun,

At school, all our tests & exams took us only half the time,

Couldn’t tell us apart, “Who was naughty & which one shined?”


When it came to boys, oh, we would lead them a merry dance,

What fun, watching them, as in confused circles they´d prance,

Thinking that they were dating you, when it was really just me,

Or dating me, thinking that I was you & oh what fabulous glee.


Then came the weddings, when we were those blushing brides,

And each one of us a bridesmaid, always at each other’s sides.

Our babies arrived together & played as if they were brothers,

And like us, their mummies, were always there for each other.


I´m now an old woman & you, long time to heaven have gone,

But I feel you upon the breezes & I hear you within the songs,

My end too draws near now, upon this old & well lived earth,

I know you await to hold my hand, just like you did at our birth.

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