Monday, 31 March 2014


A-dore me with anecdotes of anarchy, the Americas & Roman Atrium,

B-edeck me with bandanas, bullerias, boleros & butterflies Barbadian,

C-aress me carefully with caramel candy & cherries of cream cerise,

D-ance me in delicate dirndl & drink me with dripping, dizzy delice,

E-nvelop me in ecstasies, endless ectoplasm, & elegant eglantine,

F-ly me away in a finery of feathers, with fingers feminine & feline,

G-rant me guillemots, gillyflowers & gannets & goad me to be good,

H-ail me haunting howlings, of halcyons & of hermits in their hoods,

I-dulge me with intimate inscriptions, inhale me in inert ice inscribed,

J-olly me jauntily in jabot of jade & jest, so I know, by men I´m jibed,

K-iss me with kingly kisses & upon missives of love so kriss-krossed,

L-ove me lovingly my loved one, so that I may never feel left & lost,

M-ind me & mother me, until you merrily & meltingly marry me,

N-ever neglect me & as night needs nebula, need me needingly,

O-nly once is enough to show me, that I am the overwhelmed one,              

P-lease, pretty please, plaintively pardon my pondering puns,

Q-ueen of yours I shall be, though it may seem quaintly queer,

R-ant & retract, but I know, you´re drawn to my riveting rear,

S-unny soft smiles you shall show me & not your lip so stern,

T-ouch my tawny cheek dear & then know you will never turn,

U-nion shall unite & join us in marriage & my face you´ll unveil,

V-irgin upon the vestry altar, vain now & far too late to unavail,

W-oo me with whispering winds & wondrous wynding woods,

X-ylophones, shall our extreme & exultant excitement exude,

Y-ou, only you my love, can take me back to my yielding youth,

Z-ephyr breath upon my breast, breathes us to our ultimate zenith.



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