Tuesday, 15 April 2014


The child in far off land, he has no simple bread & butter,

No toy to call his own & he´s never heard of techno clutter,

Lucky finding the odd dry crust, never heard of dreaded carbs,

Never bullied by his little friends, nor ever hurt by cruel barbs.


Babe-clad woman, laden with eternal load upon her weary head,

She has no designer shoes & bag; she owns not even a proper bed,

She´s never heard Botox & makeup, nor mirror to see her pretty face,

She´s never heard of spas & detox diets & to her, gym is not a place.


Man garbed in dust & second-hand trousers, old, patched & frayed,

He has never sat in bars with pals, nor watched the football played,

No car, no suit, no bank, no job & he´s never heard of co-operate shit,

Watching the red sun go down, as beneath his old baobab he daily sits.


I want, I need, I must have, all the “first-world´s” whining & needing,

There is no “third-world”, only one, in its depleted & constant bleeding,

Since the onset of the human being, we´ve prayed upon bended knees,

But change starts with us, in a blink, as quickly as new-born´s sneeze.


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