Tuesday 9 September 2014


The ancient mouth, dark, wide & gaping,

In falling of sun & in moonlight, shift shaping,

The cave sits silent, hiding it´s legends & tales,

Whispering stories, when the North wind wails.


The cavern, where early man learned his fire,

Sharpened flint, skinned beast & rent his desire,

Where dragons breathed their fetid hot breath,

Where fox & bear skulked & hid deep from death.


Grotto of myths, played upon children´s young minds,

Those of Trolls, fairies & pirates treasured rich finds,

Where witches cursed & their potions brewed spelled,

And nightmares, in sleep, were tightly in sweat held.


Mysterious cave, of darkened secrets, yet so untold,

From the dawn of dusk´s time & beyond ages of old,

I beseech all enigmatic Gods, as I carefully walk by,

And their echoing laughter, cracks holes in the sky.



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