Tuesday 8 January 2013


Blue curly ribbons for baby boys & pretty pinks for tiny little girls,
That´s how little ribbons welcome us to life & to this earthly world,
Ribbons & strings, streaming loose & tied up in pretty fancy bows,
Gracing colourful boxes, gifts & parcels, all lined up in festive rows.

Tied around fingers & hearts in lover´s passionate & ardent knots,
Sealing promises & oaths of undying loves & sweet forget-me-nots,
Death´s final wreath, wrapped around posies, pure wedding bouquets,
Curled around foliage at Yule time, or simply to brighten up dark days.

Ribbons in banners, belts, hair-bands & woven into pretty floral frocks,
Unleashed by lovers, releasing cascading, tumbling & trembling soft locks,
Temptingly holding up garters at passion´s inviting & awaiting silk doors,
Beribboned wanton waterfalls, lying puddled upon cold satined floors.

Ribbons of broad watered silks, shining satins & deep rich velvety bands,
Ribbons softly sensuous & slipping through steamy caressing hot hands,
Ribbons on war & winning medals, on rosettes for proud horses & hounds,
Ribbons threaded with market buttons & with diamonds of many pounds.

Nature’s generous gifts of meandering moon-beamed & beribboned Rivers,
Wispy white & ribbony clouds, sailing the skies with carefree giggling shivers,
Birds in milky plumed flight, trailing their ribbons of feathered quivering tails,
And the curling spume on the distant horizon is the breath of silken whales.

We´ve walked along life´s ribboned roads, starting off either pink or blue,
Winding our way, willowing & billowing along ribbons of rain-bowed hue,
Beautiful bows, & ribbons bind & throughout our lives wind & loosely tie,
The last ribbon being wound within the wreath, on the day we finally die.

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