Thursday, 12 December 2013


Who is she, this colourful character of a thousand hues?
Garbed in fuchsia mantle, with pretty skirts of cyan blues,
Her eyes daubed in lilac shadow & kohl from lands in sun,
And her generous lips, painted in orange of persimmon.

Who is this woman, in the mirror now cracked with mold?
With her hair of ravened wing & her cheek of dusted gold,
She who dances naked, beneath raindrops of jeweled gems,
Moving beneath her stamping feet, the dust of eon’s hems.

Who is this lady, who dines on quince from runcible spoons?
She who bows low, in reverence to old & milky solstice moons,
With her talons painted scarlet red, in deep & bloodied juice,
She moving stealthily through night, not needing any excuse.

Who is this feral creature, she whom in her loins stirs fire?
Who dreams at night of making love, to wild forest´s Satyrs,
She who imbibes new dewdrops, from the petals gentle furl,
She, quaffing from shelled home, of the long vacated pearl.

Who is this strange person, who sings at dusk with birds?
She who listens to butterflies & understands their words,
And at full moon she howls, with the sad & lonely wolves,
Escaping over mountains, with the running Spanish bulls.

Who is this wild one, who at its zenith, whispers to the sun?
Relating to its warmth, all her deepest secrets & her fun,
Who traced the passing of stars, on skies, far, dark & wide,
It´s she who loves the planets & knows to read sea´s tides.

Who is this delicious being, whom I spy in shadowed glass?
Passing in the morphing hues, her life once lived, now past,
Kicking weary autumn leaves, into new snow on her way,
Peering in the mirror, I ask, “Are you me in there, ole`, ole`?

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