Thursday 18 April 2013


Lurking lust, hormonal, lubricated, quivering & loined,
Grasped where available, wangled, stolen & purloined,
Young whispered growth, from birth to bearded man,
Filled with the rising sap, life´s cunning & intelligent plan,
To ensure continuous existence, of man & his earthly life,
Rampant fluids of spring, abundantly flowing & rife.

Drowsily, frowsily complacent & comfortably grinning,
No longer urgent, no longer painfully, joyfully springing,
Always present in spirit, body & longing yearning soul,
But without the youthful sucking, into the vortexed hole,
Always listening, heeding, ready to raise it´s willing head,
Summer flowing gently, in the balmy & warming bed.

Melancholic falling of leaves, petals & hot pressing needs,
No longer blooming & flowering, only sapless drying weeds,
The last dry bloom with tenacity, sits sadly & limply clinging,
Birds mocking as they soar & into jeering skies go winging,
While sulky ego marches & with shoulders back, goes feigning,
Autumnal juices no longer flow, just seep, ebbing & waning.

Frost now turns to snow, on head tops, old mountains & tors,
Blood in veins no longer burns & sadly turns slowly to hoar,
Sapless branch & brittle bones, of every animal, tree & man,
Testament of once fruitful life, where once rich semen ran,
Leaving limp fruit upon the ground, rotting in sod & mud,
Old winter ends libido´s life, with a sad, sorry & aged thud.

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