Thursday 25 April 2013


In the beginning of time, when the long days were lazy,
When old pods cracked in the sun & morning´s were hazy,
In the place where seeds ripened, petals fell & leaves flew,
Where all was new, that was the place where I met you.

The place where sunbeams shone on the belly of the babes,
Where baobabs kindly offered shade to valleys & the glades,
Where the far off rumble of distant thunder & old skin drum,
Leaves expectant nature, breathless, waiting & silently dumb.

In rivers, where underbelly of crocodile & life were ever soft,
And birds of prey lifted victims, soaring up high, away & aloft,
That place where barbel leap, frogs sing & sleepy hippos yawn,
It was there I met you, in the new-quiet-time´s gentle dawn.

We met where slithered dust was disturbed by hoof, & claw,
Where each dribbling jaw & maw vied in screech & irked roar,
Where rain was the distant memory of a past & fleeting storm,
That place, where from old dust, every creature took its form.

I got to know you, in that far-away-place, of long & distant time,
Where nature sings & moves, towards the words of poet´s rhyme,
That place that Angels baptized & where our God created new,
I looked into your eyes & saw that you were me & I was really you.

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