Tuesday, 28 October 2014


Whoredom is that place, where all bad men deem to go,

Murky den of iniquity, they don´t want their wives to know,

It´s that seedy place, from where sin´s chalices are imbibed,

Whoredom is that place, where men´s passions & sins reside.


Whoredom is that place, within the lonely man´s sick head,                  

That lachrymal bordello, where women´s tears are often shed,

Where all bodies are united, not the heart & deep dark soul,

Whoredom is that place, where flesh is emptied by paying toll.


Whoredom is that place, where the voice has lost its song,

That place, where sad lyrics of lust, just sound so very wrong,

Where bodies are used & paid for, yet spirits are left untouched,

Whoredom is that place, where you´ll never hear, “I love you so much.”

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