Dear Life,
I love to
wallow in murk, but I am now an old crone, salted in years & peppered with
the knowledge bestowed upon me by the mere act of my existence. I belong to the
human species on this planet earth & have to admit that because of having a
mind, I do not sleep easy, nor well & when I do manage to drop off, I have
nightmares. I see behind my blistered lids, starvation, corruption, cruelty
& abuse of our planet, of children, of animals, of anyone vulnerable. Those
who have been fought against, abandoned, lost, misled, those with no education,
no heath care, no water, only contaminated water, those with no jobs, no homes,
no friends, the sick, the lonely. We cry, we scream, rant, yell & shout. We
demonstrate in the streets, avenues & boulevards of cities, towns &
countries of this world. We vote, we screech, we weep, sob, we fight, we march,
we believe. We have been doing these things for years, centuries, eons, long
time & yet, oh & yet, it has always been so & sadly continues to be
so, all falls upon deaf ears. I feel so impotent in the small things I deem to
do, trying to help where I can but knowing I cannot lift that child in Africa
out of the war, the puppy in India out of the ditch, the unjustly imprisoned
man out of his cell. This means I steep myself in deep useless depression, not
being able to help every suffering being in cruel world far too big for me &
feeling so very guilty for not being able to do so.
But dear
life, yes you dear life, will not get the better of me, oh no, no way. I am
determined to be happy; whatever you throw my way, oh yes sister, that I shall
be. I shall laugh with the sea, play with the child and sing with the birds. I
shall love the old lady in the mirror, warts & all & smile at her, even
if she is the only one who smiles back in the whole day. I shall smell the
perfumes of flowers, rejoice in raindrops, dance beneath the moon, love the sun
on my cheek & pay homage to the stars. You have my sympathy dear world,
holding all the misery in your tired old arms, not an easy task, but you
definitely don´t need another sad miserable soul to add to your burden, another
tiny grain to add to your misery.
No in-laws,
no by-laws, no errant kin along my highways & byways shall deter, nor mar
my path to joy. No banker, no politician, no banal, no inane & no idiocy
shall be permitted into the inner sanctum of my space, my time & my being,
to make me unhappy. No hard, gnarled knuckle of peppered pain, no furrowed
sunken cheek of dropped teeth, no bent bone of stooped gait, nor knee dropped-breast
shall remove my toothless, gummy grin.
So life, yes
you my friend, who surrounds me, who is within me, who is me, I pay you homage
in all your gory glory. I shall let you tiptoe over me & around me, while I
dance through you & with you, but I shall no longer let you get the better
of me by my cowering at your old feet. My friend of double-edged-sword, I shall
sup of your glories, quaff at your joys, but believe me life, I shall by-pass
your gories & ignore your evil ploys that you defiantly bring to me, to mend
& heal. Unless you show me how & bestow upon me the tools to change the
world, I shall do the small stuff & give you the gift of at least one small
& happy human being within your arms.
From me with love:
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