You ask if I
know what it´s like to bring the babe to earth,
No, but I
write of conception & the pains & pangs of birth,
I write of
rapid growth & the tardy progress of every man,
But I have
not yet grown, not walked a mile & neither ran.
You ask if I
know what it´s like to be loved & to return love,
No, I´ve
never loved, but know it´s all around, below & above,
I write of
love & passion & of that effusive & orgasmic flame,
But I have
not yet been unleashed & I am still far-far too tame.
You ask if I
know how to dance, to paint & to gaily trill & sing,
No, I´ve
never been given talent, just a clipped, God given wing,
I write of
the artist, of the dancer & also of the love lorn bard,
But I´ve no talent
to call my own, not even a small & tiny shard.
You ask if I know
what it´s like to feel that searing & aching pain,
No, I´ve felt
no pain; maybe I´m too hard, or probably just insane,
I write of those
sad feelings, of the desolation & desperate screams,
But I´ve no tears
that fall from my eyes & down my face in streams.
You ask if I know
all about life´s living, the lingering dying & of death,
Yes this I know,
I know all about the sighing of life´s ultimate breath,
I write about
the joys life & also what it´s really like to expire & die,
As I´ve always
been part of this wonderful earth, of sea & mighty sky.
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