Friday 27 February 2015

TAKE THAT HAPPY MUTI MAMA: (Muti=medicine in S.Africa)

Take that happy muti Mama, not prozac nor the gin,

It will help you Mama, to take life hard upon the chin,

Take that happy muti Mama, not rolled nor in the pipe,

It will help you Mama, & sad tears, from your eyes wipe.


What is this happy muti child, if not from pill or bottle?

You say it will help me child, when I´m so fit to throttle,

You say I must take it child, but not in pipe nor rolled,

You say I must obey you child & to do what I am told.


Take that happy muti Mama, a healthy dose each day,

Love´s that happy muti Mama, & feeling is the only way,

Take that happy muti Mama, in laughter, smiles & song,

Take it all from nature Mama, that way you´ll not go wrong.


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