Wednesday 3 October 2012


Born as tight, pink fingered furled shell,
Accompanied by fisted frustrated natal yell,
Grasping, kneading at new mother´s breast,
Unfurling with sweaty fluff and sublime rest,
These tiny little hands clasped in prayer innate,
Curled fingers tightly holding life´s unknown fate.

Muddy and grubby with earth´s blessed clod,
Cracked nail, blistered and besmirched with sod,
Gripping slugs and snails and snot picked deep,
Childhood treasures through little fingers seep.
 Dusk & rinsed of day´s murk and all games played,
On little knees, pink fingers folded, &“God bless” prayed.

Time grew and brought petting petulant teenager years,
Of confusion, painted talons, the tantrums & the tears,
And always posed in ready-for- a- fight, of knuckled fist,
Those trusting little hands, now gone & sorely missed,
Now with rhythmic be-ringed fingers & tattooed hands,
Clenched tight, the searching of the soul & distant lands.

The career & the business of earning an honest wage,
Hands shaken, of deals done on screen & written page,
Hands in grease, dust, suds, grit, & life’s lubricating oil,
Years passing for working hands in endless necessary toil,
The elusive prayers now fleeting for lack of adult time,
Hands now not folded, just a passing in restless mime.

Now sporting golden band of the precious words “I do”,
Ever caressing, ever loving, ever trustful & forever true,
Babe´s tears & toddler´s fears, with love, softly wiped away,
By those gentle hands, that will forever, close & nearby stay,
“Please Lord, with these humble hands, I kneel to you & plead,
To protect my little family close & to never let them bleed”.

The end is nigh & these age-mottled hands now sadly tire,
Gnarled, scarred, deeply veined & totally without desire,
Hold this old hand of mine in yours & tell me it´s all been fun,
And lovingly, gently caress this hand with the softly ebbing sun,
I put these old lived hands together now, as life & death entwine,
Thanking you with them folded, I now pray for one last & final time.

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