Thursday, 31 July 2014


When I die, let it be,

With raindrops upon my fevered brow,

With blood red wine upon my tongue,

With your gentle kisses upon my lips,

With my limbs caressed in golden honey.


When I die, let me feel,

Soft butterflies painting my ashen cheeks,

Perfumed old breezes playing with my hair,

My ice cold bones warmed by summer suns,

Milk kisses upon my breasts, by silver moons.


When I die, let me hear,

Final words, upon the breath of violins & harps,

The sweet serenading voices of colourful birds,

Oceans & seas singing, upon ancient far winds,

And soft beckoning whisperings, of passing Angels.



Gone those days, of the playful child,

Of when I ran happily, free & so wild,

Gone those days, of pretty young maid,

When with handsome boys, I once played,

Gone, halcyon days of childhood relaxing,

When moons rejoiced, in youthful waxing.


Gone those days, of those amorous lovers,

Of when I promised, to never love another,

Gone those days, when I cradled my babies,

Of all those insecurities, doubts & maybes,

Gone those pregnant days of fertility´s pull,

When the motherhood moon´s belly was full.


Now in these days, of age & ancient paining,

When the old silvered moon is gently waning,

Now, when upon my life, I muse & softly ponder,

Upon all that has elapsed & past, I quietly wonder,

It is now I realize & know, that as wise old Crone,

That I shall have no fear at all, on returning home.


Wednesday, 30 July 2014


Mama, I am so bored, tell me, what can I do?

Will you take me to the park, fair, maybe the zoo?

My child, just open your eyes & try playing outside,

There´s a world to see when you open your eyes wide.


Mama, my friends won´t play, they´ve all gone away,

Will you buy a play station or wii, so that I may play?

My child, go outside this evening & play with the moon,

She is always there & she´ll never leave you too soon.


Mama, please tell me old stories & read me new tales,

Please talk to me of monsters & enormous big whales,

My child, go & run with the sun & listen to the stars,

They will tell you their great stories of Jupiter & mars.


Mama, answer me, why do you always tell me to go?

Is it simply, because there is nothing that you know?

My child, I tell you because the world is your friend,

Go & play little one, there are many paths to wend.



Humanity humanity, where do you hide?

I´ve searched within, without & far outside,

I´ve seeked here, there, in every small place,

Humanity, please just show me your face.


Humanity humanity, please do tell me why?

Corruption, cruelty, poverty, battles & lies,

Lay your cards on life´s table & make it plain,

Humanity please tell me, why so much pain?


Humanity humanity, we now all need your love,

We need your compassion from below & above,

Upon our knees, we´re all desperately praying,

Humanity my friend, won´t you think about staying?



Tuesday, 29 July 2014


It´s your song I hear warbling, in the voice of ancient bones,

Echoing cool waters, running over bodies of desert stones,

I follow your sweet singing, searching clouds for gentle rain,

Knowing that when I find you, raindrops will slake my pain.


Every man & beast trains his ear, upon your distant voice,

Within the ancient & arid desert, nobody has the choice,

Following your sweet song, to where the clouds will burst,

Oh little bird of old omens, you are the saviour of our thirst.


 Only you know where rain will fall, upon our desert sands,

Kalahari´s little rain-bird, of old heavens & Africa´s arid lands,

My small messenger of grey skies & the Bushmen´s sacred lores,

You, holder of the knowledge & key to heaven´s ancient doors.




I am ill & I know it, I have a sweating brow,

My pulse is racing madly & I´m so dizzy now,

My breath comes in gasps & so hard to breath,

Put your hand on my breast, & see how it heaves.


There´s beating in my chest, my poor sick heart,

My slurring words, that know not how to start,

Legs turned to rubber & my hands all of a quiver,

Pleases feel my skin prickle & notice how I shiver.


My eyes tend to tear up & my mouth is very dry,

One moment I´m laughing, the next, I start to cry,

I am never very hungry & my appetite has gone,

Lie beside my sleepless form, after sun has shone.


Doctors duly tell me, “It is merely love, my dear,

You´ve fallen in deeply, but nothing you need fear,”

It is you who´s made me ill & upon whom I do dote,

So please come & cure me, be my healing antidote.

Monday, 28 July 2014


What´s your business, who are you, what´s your name?

Do I know you? Your face just doesn´t look the same,

Years ago I remember, when I was just a little child,

But I don´t remember yesterday, nor today & so I cried.


Where did I put my keys, my purse, my mind, my phone?

I am lost on these streets; can you please take me home?

But, where is my home? Tell me please, I really don´t know,

My memory has gone away; tell me, why do I think so slow?


It is just a passing phase I´m told, & I am sure it will be fine,

It is just a part of cruel ageing, a mere trick of father time,

So please don´t worry about me son, I really feel no pain,

But before you go away, tell me, what´s your name again?




Heavy eyelids, battered, bruised & purple pleated,

Waltzing down cold corridors, towards wolves howling,

Dancing in her midnight gown, of soft velvet moonlight,

Mantled in her lacy shawl, of sparking diamonded stars,

Somnolence her soft nature, insomnia her sleepy name,

With owl upon her shoulder & cool dew beneath her feet,

She tiptoes into ticking seconds, into minutes & long hours,

Treading softly upon the hem, of the whispering satin dawn.

Sunday, 27 July 2014


Embrace me in ardent embers, of your loving passion,

Mantle me in murmurings, wrapped in naked fashion,

Enfold me in the envelope, within your clinging arms,

Armour me in ardour, keep me safe from hurt & harm,

Cloak me in soft caressing, within all your gentle words,

Wrap me within white feathers, of Angels & passing birds,

Garb me in your great gallantry & forever, I shall be yours,

Drape me in your dancing & waltz me through life´s doors.


Have you ever wondered, how, why, what, when?

About the whenever´s, the what for´s & the then´s?

 The what if´s, the should have´s or the have not´s?

Of why in life, we get so tied up, in strangling knots?

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why even to wonder?”

And why, upon these questions, we even deem to ponder?”


My land is that place that wears a tender smile,

It´s that green place, where trees play for miles,

Place of gentle raindrops that sobs in happy tears,

My land is that place, where people have no fears.


My land is that place, that´s garbed in petal´s blooms,

It´s the place of gentle sighs, whispered by old moons,

It´s my place, within sunshine´s soft & dappled beams,

My land is that place, stitched in earth´s golden seams.


You who rule the land,

Do you have children of your own?

You who give the orders,

Do you have children of your own?

You who accept the orders,

Do you have children of your own?

You who fly the aeroplanes,

Do you have children of your own?

You who drops the bombs,

Do you have children of your own?

You who fires the guns,

Do you have children of your own?

What hope does humanity have?

By killing the children.


WHY? :

The father said,

“My children & I stood in the school playground,

The planes flew overhead & dropped the bombs,

Then my children flew away like pieces of paper,

And I asked why?”


The mother said,

“I went to the market place, with my baby in arms,

The planes flew overhead & dropped the bombs,

Then my arms were empty & my baby had gone,

And I asked why?”


The child said,

I went to the beach, just to play with my friends,

The planes flew overhead & dropped the bombs,

My friends disappeared in a hole in the ground,

And I asked why?”


Friday, 25 July 2014


I only ask that you stroke my cheek,

I only ask that you gift me a smile,

I only ask that you whisper your love,

I only ask that you dry my wept tears,

I only ask that you hold my old hand,

I only ask that you touch my grey hair,

I only ask that you´ll always be there.


I hear your soft whisperings within my small ear,

I hear your sweet loving words removing my fear,

Your breathing, talks to my heart & my old sad soul,

Your whisperings uniting two halves, making us whole.


Whisper me wood wind chimes & thudding of drums,

Your old secrets upon winds that sings, hums & strums,

Within the voices of birds & the rustling of soft trees,

It´s your whispering I hear, upon the step of the breeze.


Thursday, 24 July 2014


String me violets, upon your old violins,

Sing me songs, to remove man´s sad sins,

Pluck me poetry, upon old country banjos,

And between your teeth, offer me red rose.


Lull me lyrical, from your soft sitars & lutes,

Stamp me flamenco, in black heeled boots,

Call me upon cellos, that are softly caressed,

And my body, with your eyes, gently undressed.


Strum me sweetly, on guitar & old Welsh harp,

So deep within, you touch the strings of my heart,

So you´ll feel my soul, within your own dear love,

And together we shall dance, to the heavens above.




Fire, heat, burning embers,

As, charred, searing, pain,

Cruel Goddess of red & hot,

Melting in the cauldron´s pot.


Passion, energy, vibrancy, life,

Verve, vim, pep, rapidity, zest,

Scarlet, crimson, orange, gold,

Goddess removes all dead & cold.




Hush, I hear you whispering in life giving breath,

Bestower of all breathing, far away from death,

On my cheek, your kisses, I feel upon the breeze,

In midnight moonlight, I hear you tickling trees.


Hush, on winds I hear your songs, passing on tiptoe,

Telling old secrets to the waves, dancing as you blow,

Sending poetry through my dreams, as I softly sleep,

Knowing, when I awake, their beauty I shall keep.


Goddess of the air-kissed clouds & sweet flying birds,

Lady of inspiration, comes blowing in on gentle words,

Teasing tender tendrils, softly fingered upon your way,

If you cannot take me with you, won´t you please just stay?


Wednesday, 23 July 2014


Life came running to meet me, on day of my new birth,

She came to tell me her secrets, of magic on this earth,

“There are things you will know, but will never ever see,

There are things you will see, but will only know from me”.


But then interlopers interfered, all along my journey´s path,

Showing me harsh images & words, all of angry ugly wrath,

Taking away all the magic & mocking my invisible friends,

All telling me, that in life, you can never have the “pretends”.


All of society, parents, all teachers, friends, family & the like,

When stumbling, in their eyes, they´d put me back on the bike,

With every little secret shown & sacred knowledge I gleaned,

I was told by masses, “Don´t be silly, it is never as it´s seemed”.


With all old secrets forgotten, about the invisible Ancient lore,

Life came to visit me, saying, “Don´t worry, I will show you more”,

Then taking my care worn hand in hers, life led me into death,

Then I saw all the magic before me, in my last expiring breath.



Lady of the oceans, of the rivers, lakes & seas,

The salt of earth´s blood, smelt upon the breeze,

Flowing within the tears you find upon life´s lash,

In raindrops & dewdrops & in every cooling splash.


Damsel of all the waves & the tickling humid ripples,

Sweat between cleavages, charged in dimes & nickels,

Wherever water flows & from wherever is it´s source,

Cascading down mountainsides, set upon it´s course.


Goddess of all liquid gold, steered by ancient moons,

Ice-hardened in Decembers, released in summer Junes,

It´s within the moist saliva, of that slicked & juicy kiss,

And then in death you go, dancing away in swirling mist.


Born in one country & raised in some other,

In every new land, another sister or brother,

Through no choice of his own, so well travelled,

Memories in ageing muddled & so very raveled.


Commonwealth kid, of thorn & dust-scuffed knees,

Taken as tender baby, off to old nation´s colonies,

Old Colonial days, through no choice of his own,

Leaving him forever lost, seeking unknown home.


Wild & feral, he would walk through bush veldt,

Beneath cruel burning suns, hot enough to melt,

Sent to boarding school so young, wide & far flung,

Shoes squeezed onto small feet, reeking of dung.


He told the world, “The Commonwealth´s my home,

The Commonwealth is where I will never feel alone,

I am just a Commonwealth kid, no matter how old,

Always going back, like a sheep, to within its safe fold.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014


Oh you of roots & earthly things,

Of petal, branch & leaf that sings,

Of soil rich, of peat, of clay & loam,

Of pebble, scree, rock & ancient stone,

I Hail Thee.


Oh you of mountain, hill & gentle tor,

Of mud, of silt, of sand & so much more,

Of golden glens & fields of blowing wheat,

Of bountiful fruits, tasting of juice so sweet,

I Hail Thee.


Oh you, my Goddess of all upon this earth,

Of all that grows, when by you, given birth,

Of ore, of gem, of silver & of burnished gold,

Of all that is alchemy, of heat & magic cold,

I Hail Thee.


The heat sated, salty afternoons,

Heavy lidded, sensual dreamings,

Gold bees, droning fattened tunes,

Fans whirring, from sleepy ceilings,

Sweat trickled, down flaccid breast,

Flung wide, white weighted limbs,

Blood, bone & muscle in heated rest,

Somnolence forgiving committed sins,

With Morpheus, making pleasant love,

Within his arms, her safe soft keeping,

Upon wings of Angels, she flew above,

Upon drowsy clouds of gentle sleeping.



Life´s too short to waste, on so many mundane wrongs,

Too short to sweep a crumb, or dust a wayward mote,

Wouldn´t you rather dance a waltz, or sing lovely songs?

To lie on your back in oceans & upon waves, gently float?


Life´s too short to waste, on rant & blasphemous spate,

Far too short to be a bitch, or sew an old wasted stitch,

Wouldn´t you rather love than waste your time on hate?

To stir the magical cauldron & become a midnight witch?


Life´s too short to waste, stuffing mushrooms & stirring sludge,

Far too short for comparisons & spitting those nasty words,

Wouldn´t you rather be friends, than bearing a terrible grudge?

To fly away upon poetry, on the wings of airy sweet birds?


Life´s too short to waste, in every dull & imaginable way,

Far too short to run away, in boring impossible schemes,

Wouldn´t you rather go away & with your reality play?

To convert all your plans, into beautiful & plausible dreams?




She runs through soft fields of wild flowers,

Where lavender & poppies dance in breeze,

Tiptoeing through the sun-dappled gardens,

Where old fountains sing their favourite tunes,

And when I asked her, “Why go to all these places?”

She said, “It´s where the bees come home to play”.


She roams through bluebell woods & green forests,

Where cool clear streams trickle over ancient stones,

She wanders silently ambling, down old country lanes,

Where winds whisper, trees smile & raindrops weep,

And when I asked her, “Why go to all these places?”

She said, “It´s where the bees come home to play”.


She only tripped & traipsed within life´s pretty places,

To where the secrets of birds & beasts were duly kept,

To the places where butterflies & dragonflies waltzed,

To the places where she knew her real friends stayed,

And when I asked her, “Why go to all these places?”

She said, “It´s where the bees come home to play.”




Sunday, 20 July 2014


Dark night lies still & milky moon floats high,

There is nothing astir, but sweet perfumed sigh,

Across stone-garden-walls, soft scented whispers,

Heralding in new dawn, as wept dewdrop glisters.


The blooms tell gentle stories, in scented old tales,

Touching tough hearts, that are, as hard as old nails,

Pretty flowers, in perfumes, wax lyrical, their telling,

Within watering of dried eyes, oasis of their welling.


Ancient poetry is spoken, by herbs, shrubs & old trees,          

All kissed by sweet birds & bowing down of gold bees,

Butterflies carry messages, from rosebuds to wild sage,

No sweeter words be scribed, by Bard upon white page.


All idioms conversed, in scents & fragrances perfumed,

Heard by avid noses & not by cloth ears, as assumed,

In silence, upon soft waftings, their voices are heard,

Drifting in essences, within the songs without words.


Lake sides, river sides, wells, fountains & water holes,

Walking often for miles, upon hardened cracked soles,

Women get together, gathering, from near & far away,

With buckets upon their heads & hips that gaily sway.


Sloshing water, into clay pots, pans, ewers & old tin cans,

Kneeling on flat stones, washing clothes with sudsy hands,

Their voices echoing through the eons, all the latest gossip,

Babes in arms & upon their backs, given thirst-slaking sips.


Water stored, tired skins refreshed & clothes duly washed,

All children bathed in bubbles & in water, played & sloshed,

Refreshed now, to face that long & arduous trek back home,

Moist songs upon their tongues, replacing their arid moans.


All feminine lives, gathering, wherever clean waters flow,

Friends meet, laughter, words, dancing on winds that blow,

With jokes jested, duties done & all latest news imparted,

Farewells bid to old friends & from oasis, they then departed.



Saturday, 19 July 2014


She looks down from the grey rankled skies,

Thunder her angry voice & lightening her eyes,

Her cauldron stirred, of boiling oceans & seas,

Her seething rant & ire, the old Gods do tease.


Her sharp pointing finger, every man shall blame,

And upon the earth, all men´s sins she´ll inflame,

Her zero tolerance, is for all known sinful deeds,

Days counted & numbered, upon her abacus beads.


Spitting blood, sweat, tears & her punishing fire,

All humanity is at risk, of that Diva´s dire red ire,

She is nobody´s fool & she suffers none gladly,

You shall pay the dealt toll, when behaving badly.


Deem never to curse this dame of retribution,

This Goddess spills all blood, of war & revolution,

It´s all total mayhem & the risk´s upon your head,

Behave yourselves, before you´re long gone & dead.





She left him & on the dust-floating motes,

Upon voices of Angels, to heaven she floats,

Leaving him alone with his sad broken heart,

He thought that they would never be apart.


He knew she was with him in the dead of night,

When in the pitch darkness, all blinded his sight,

He felt her sweet kisses, upon the back of his neck,

Leaving him each dawn, sad, ragged & wreaked.


Soft shifting curtain, that waltzed with her breath,

The footsteps soft stepping, sad belying her death,

In moonlit shadows, her perfumed sweet breathing,

The touching of his chest, in sadness, now heaving.


“I´ve not come to haunt you, but to call you back home,

 I just don´t want to leave you, in this life, on your own,

So take my hand & we´ll dance, over dust kissed floors,”

And together they wafted, through life´s padlocked doors.

Friday, 18 July 2014


Sometimes, I despise you & you do me too,

Sometimes, you irritate me & I irritate you,

Sometimes, you irk me & you get in my way,

Sometimes you wish, I would just go away,

But I´ll always love you & you will love me too.


Sometimes, we argue & say some awful things,

Sometimes we swear, say words that really sting,

Sometimes we wish, to be in some other place,

Sometimes, the truth, we just don’t want to face,

But I´ll always love you & you will love me too.


Sometimes we wonder, if we´ve wed the right one,

Sometimes we wish, to have just a little more fun,

Sometimes we ask, “Why on this earth am I here?”

Sometimes our thoughts, instill such irrational fear,

But I´ll always love you & you will love me too.


Sometimes we wonder, how we got our love so right,

Sometimes we know, that our love is worth the fight,

Sometimes, but just sometimes, we laugh at our folly,

Sometimes we ask, “Do we deserve to be so jolly?”

But I´ll always love you & you will love me too.


Thursday, 17 July 2014


She wept tears of feathers, every time a bird was caged,

She wept tears of blood, whenever a new war was waged,

She wept tears of spume, as man abused all oceans & seas,

She wept tears of leaves, at the poor felling of all her trees,

She was the Goddess of compassion.


Her tears were of fur, claw & hair, with every beast that fell,

Her tears were of talon, scale & hoof, of every emptied shell,

Her tears were of sad old ivory, antenna, wing & hunted horn,

Her tears washed the earth, at every dusk & dawning morn,

She was the Goddess of compassion.


Where has the old Goddess gone, her tears now all dried?

Where has nature now hidden, her hope has all but died?

Where oh where now, have all the worldly wonders gone?

Where are the places, where the rain fell & sun once shone?

She was the Goddess of compassion.


The Goddess is now back, within teardrops of soft rain,

The Goddess is now back, here to alleviate all our pain,

The Goddess is now back, merely believe, listen & see,

The Goddess is now back, compassion is her only plea,

She is the Goddess of compassion.




Please take my hand & come away with me,

I´ll show you many marvels to make you smile,

Please come into the theatre of my merry mind,

I´ll make you the star of my hand written play.


Follow my footsteps & I shall lead you onwards,

To places, of which you have only ever dreamed,

Welcome into the arena, of my ever loving heart,

Where I shall embrace you with my undying love.


Now please follow me, in my joyful happy playing,

We shall go to the playground of kind generosity,

Hand in hand we will amble & spread smiles of joy,

Please come away with me, my own sweet love.



Wednesday, 16 July 2014


She comes to me in the smile of a child,

She comes to me in the tears of the aged,

She comes to me in every beast of the wild,

She comes to me in poetry, scribed & paged,

The Goddess returns.


I see her in every cooling raindrop that falls,

I see her in every ray of the gold shining sun,

I see her in all lakes, oceans, seas & waterfalls,

I see her in laughter, joy & wherever there’s fun,

The Goddess returns.


She is in the sky, blue, purple or clouded & grey,

She is in the roots of flowers & the waving trees,

She is in the joyful hearts of all those who pray,

She is in the winds that blow & the gentle breeze,

The Goddess returns.


She is no longer hidden away & she´s ours to claim,

She is the feminine essence of everything on earth,

She is all encompassing Goddess, of many a name,

She is around us, back within us & part of our re-birth,

The Goddess returns.



I shall weave you a fine raffia basket,

With love & every fibre of my being,

Within every weft, I shall weave a kiss,

With every knot tied, I shall tie a wish,

My love I´ll entwine between the weave,

I´ll braid softly, thread by golden thread,

Twining wind-kissed & earth given grasses,

In the pattern, I shall sing songs of long-ago,

In the plaiting I´ll twist poetry & ancient tales,

Stories of Goddesses & Ancestors long gone,

The moon shall be woven within every strand,

The sun will bless its usage & stars grace its rim,

And when I have completed my golden basket,

I´ll give it to you with love & a million promises,

You´ll fill it with lemons, limes & juicy mangoes,

Ripe fruits that taste of golden African sunsets,

And in its acceptance, I shall know you love me.