Tuesday, 27 May 2014


Blade etched & sharply honed, of noble steely sword,

Used from eons past, to cut down men & dying cord,

By men of honour, sat upon the stealthy faithful steed,

Crossing blades, sealing treaty with quaffing of the mead.


Upon grimy battle ground, where men are sliced in mud,

By tapered point & wicked hearts, sealed & signed in blood,

At dawn´s red duel, for the maiden, honour, oath & code,

Where the victor, upon the beast, to distant horizon rode.


From the turret within blue sky, watching, is young maid,

Will her hero die, or save her? Of the doubt she´s so afraid,

The day is saved by Knight, with his gallant sword engraved,

Venerated honour & villain in dungeon, safely now enslaved.


With kingdom, from the enemy, overtaken, shaken & freed,

Sunrise gold arrives, with love & the planting of new seed,

Gentleman in his amour, with triumphant pennant ablaze,

And with goblet, toasts, “It´s due, to the mighty steely sword”.


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