Saturday, 30 November 2013


Breath, furling around fetus in the new fruited womb,
Dancing around the living, until the tired sleep of tomb,
Curling around in mists, caressing damp cloister walls,
And whispering in sad echoes, down old haunted halls.

Seething, leaving in winds & over oceans swelled heavings,
Through gossamer webbed rooms, of spider´s weft weavings,
And spinning in the vortex, of Angel´s lightly breathed sighings,
Ending in the gentle breathing, of lover´s orgasmic soft dyings.

Breath spun upon the loom of tender & summer loved breezes,
Whispered upon steaming of words, as winter´s breath freezes,
Wafting through old cemeteries, around stones of icicled bones,
Whistling down history, of cold clutched hearts & sad lost homes.

Breath whispers in harsh ancient stories, of sorry whipped slaves,
Wailing in the tales of garrotted Knaves, buried deep in wet graves,
In the inhaling of all life & the exhaling at all imminent death,
Breathing, the essence of being, in the intake of our first breath.

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