Saturday, 21 September 2013


Humble little weed in God´s great & floral garden,
Can you forgive man & errant gardener ever pardon?
For chopping, hewing, mowing & removing every weed,
Can they not hear you, when in silence you gently plead?
To be just left alone to grow, like the lilac, herb & rose,
But you do not grace sweet posy, nor titillate the nose,
Without the petal gown in rich velvet & coloured hues,
No perfumes & scents, squeezed from reds & cyan blues,
Just a mere little weed, wild child of God´s sweetened soil,
Destruction of your soul, by the gardener, daily at his toil,
You´re just a little flower, no man deems nor dares to tame,
You are never placed in posies, nor given ever a pretty name,
But by the hand of God, in his fields of painted garden glory,
Your presence upon this earth, tells every man another story.

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