travelling from mewling swaddling to gentle shroud,
Growing up
strong, free, feeling feminine & so very proud,
Not an easy
thing, being born a girl in your ancient old land,
In a country
where your life is worth less than desert sand,
Of three-fold
moon, of maid, mother & of the wise old crone,
Garbed in
veil & curves, hiding your soul & your sore old bones.
With belly
swelled, breast well filled & upon knees daily praying,
For desired
son & heir, for which your man is continually baying,
You bleed to
save the existence of your zealous & eager breed,
The Receiver
of your bully´s planned but so cruel & errant seed,
You, the
weeper of oceans in your many lost & hopeless tears,
Wrapped in
your mantle, protecting your sorry & hidden fears.
You, who is
stoned, whipped, little loved & daily jibed & booed,
earthly scars where you wished that you were wooed,
In Holy
books, you´re put upon the pedestal of many manly lies,
You, who
asking from a different God, for the reasons & the why´s,
Your smile of
many suns is hidden behind the drab & murky cloak,
While your
prayers unobserved, are shared with the old forest oak.
Burned at the
stake, sorely mocked, spat at & wrongly accused,
For being
evil, the witch & being hard beaten & then so abused,
Blamed for
all man´s sins, life´s errors & all its awful, terrible ills,
For healing
all the sick with your herbs, instead of all man´s pills,
The music you
sing sits silent & in the dark so deeply hidden,
Buried deep
within your soul, by men, buried in the midden.
Sung to in
serenades, but once achieved, kicked into the gutter,
Gagged by the
cruel penis & veil & then told not a word to utter,
Shut up,
cover up, serve up, do as you are told & daily, duly obey,
Not to be
heard, not to be seen, to offer your man, all on a tray,
ancestor´s passed-on-stories, are kept deep within your hold,
through your ancient blue veins, with the matriarchs of old.
You, water
carrier, baby maker, spinner of thread & thresher of grain,
You, bearer
of babes, of all burdens, of undeniable & unbearable pain,
Receiving in
life, nothing of much, a lot less than what is really your due,
Unpaid in
love, in respect, in honour & also appreciated by far too few,
The wise
knowledge you keep within your breast, is exactly who you are,
One day in
the future, you´ll release the chains & erase the man-given scar.
With your
sweet gentle soul, tender eyes & with soft dream filled heart,
With your
caressing hand holding close your babe, promising never to part,
Telling the
child your stories of old, in musical voice & your soft gentle song,
Asking your
Gods of old, why it is like this & why it all seems so very wrong,
You must know
that you´re not forgotten, by the true Gods around & above,
You must know
that in this universe, all Gods shall be sending you their love.
You, lady
desired by all men, but unfortunately, of them not being born one,
You, just a
daughter, unwanted for not being the long desired & wanted son,
daughter, sister, wife, grandmother, just the cheap harlot or sad whore,
whatever the men folk thought of you, whatever they called the score,
The truth of
this earth is within your old being & is seen in your beautiful eyes,
Only in the
ancient being of womanhood, can you dear lady, be so very wise.
unloved, unknown, undone by all & by this cruel world too, so unseen,
Worth nothing,
zilch, just an empty vessel, deemed unfit, unworthy & unclean,
But really you
are the nun, the angel, Goddess & by the heavens, surely sainted,
It is those evil
ones who have made your life hell, it´s they who are really tainted,
So you dear lady,
hold tight to your breast, that little girl you clutch in your arms,
Make an oath;
promise he,r that she will never go through these very same harms.
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