Thursday, 7 February 2013


The hills gaily rang out with laughter, on the day of her joyous birth,
Welcoming the child to her new home, this happy place called earth,
The valleys resounded with the pealing of some very contented bells,
And one could hear the deep chuckling of the celebrating magic wells.

The child grew running & laughing, with the fields & lavender mountains,
And her giggling could be heard in the droplets of rivers & icy fountains,
She laughed at the wind, teasing & tugging at her windswept raven hair,
She laughed so loud with the tears of rain, until the grey day turned fair.

She grew with the beasts & birds & guffawed at their funny antics & fun,
She ran barefooted through the lilac heather & lovingly embraced the sun,
She smiled with the laughter of nodding wrens & sang with the lemony bees,
And her echoing laughter was carried off in the arms of the billowing breeze.

If she wept at all, it was with tears of joy, running down her dewy rosy cheek,
 Never with sadness & always with laughter, the joyful mirth leaving her weak,
In the deep cold of winter, she howled with the wolves of the old silvery moon,
And together, through the forests they laughed, predicting the coming of June.

She´d witter at the witticisms of winsome, wily & the often wind-fallen wasps,
And together they would giggle & laugh, being to the world, totally, utterly lost,
With the birds, the butterflies, the flocks, prides & the wandering wild free herds,
She´d laugh with every one, with all & echoing through the hills her voice was heard.

The day came when she had to return, to where she called her “original home”,
The world chuckled & giggled & shook with laughter, in every conceivable tone,
No tears were shed that day for her happy spirit, known as the little laughing one,
For upon the lips of the earth she´d left bestowed, the gift of the happy laughing sun.

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