Friday, 15 February 2013


She cast off tight chord & danced out of dark womb,
Her little limbs loose & searching for space & room,
She danced through her childhood with happy smiles,
And through her teens, on floors of wood, rug & tiles.

She danced her many men a very merry & lively dance,
She cavorted; she boogied, rapped, tangoed & pranced,
She waltzed at her wedding in lace, silk & satin of white,
And with her husband, beneath creamy moons at night.

She danced her children through their joyful memories,
She danced through fields of lilacs & orchards of berries,
She danced under tall trees of autumn, summer & spring,
And twirled with soft snowflakes that sparkled & blinged.

Her sad tears, she´d two-step away in the blink of an eye,
She´d dance like a banshee with swirling storms in the sky,
She´d lie soft, in the musical arms of the soft barmy breeze,
And she´d sway in the pungent waves of warm tropical seas.

Around like a swirling Dervish, she´d twirl like a spinning top,
She danced with gold autumn leaves as they spun & dropped,
Under the morning sun, she´d lift & float like an errant balloon,
And beneath silver stars, she´d dance with the pregnant moon.

With the scudding high clouds of white, pink & dark fluffy grey,
She´d throw up her arms & sing, “Please dance me far-far away”,
She danced magical ancient rituals to call down much needed rain,
And when the rain arrived, heeding her call, she´d dance once again.

She flittered busily in blooms with the buzzing butterflies & bees,
She dressed in finery of moss & mistletoe & danced with the trees,
She donned pretty dropped feathers & danced away with the birds,
She danced to the music of the universe that was by her alone heard.

The time finally came for her to dance out of this earth-bound life,
And she did, although slower now, but she did it without any strife,
And she held up her arms welcoming with joy, the angels that came,
Saying, “Would you do me the honour of dancing me home once again?”

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