Sunday, 27 May 2012


No bejeweled coastline today, no ermine ruffled shore, no royal blues, purples, pinks, reds & gold. Today was dressed in sober attire, pewter, grey, silver & white. a quiet coming down, a going within, a reflective, moody, meditative day, a day of quiet serene beauty, without the hurdy-gurdy blasting noisy colour of yesterday. Today is abashed at its drunken behaviour the day before, & is trying to make amends. it has a dignified beauty, difficult to ignore. This could be real love.

1 comment:

  1. "Today is abashed at its drunken behaviour the day before, & is trying to make amends. it has a dignified beauty, difficult to ignore."

    ~Careful. you will make me think too hard.
