Wordless love
at babe’s new birth,
Unspoken words
of what we´re doing to earth,
Guiding touch
to the deaf & the mute,
Unspoken words
of the drum, string & flute,
The loving look
of needless sayings,
Unspoken words
by parents at son´s life´s swayings,
Looks of lust
& of love´s undying,
Unspoken words
of precious winged ones flying,
Silent hopes,
still wishes & unheard prayers,
Unspoken words
of frozen wolves hidden in their lairs,
Un-scribed pages
of those long lost schemes,
Unspoken words
of those unlived & escaping dreams,
The last epitaph
upon life´s final home,
Unspoken words
lulling upon the life lived tome.