Sunday, 24 June 2012


 Begrudgingly she came to life in struggling mewling pain,
 Spring came wailing, moaning, slipping & haltingly sliding,
Down birth´s long passage, murky canal, & into life´s rain,
Sired from a father unsure & a mother still undeciding
Whether she was too early, too late, welcome or not,
But with smiles bestowed & tears duly dried,
So spring was blessed & new life not denied.

Spring danced summer in to the chorus of droning bees,
Tripping through fields of fragrant blooms,
Making merrybegots beneath shy leafy trees,
Into warm balmy days & nights of hot passionate Junes,
Growing into motherhood, showing warmth & ripe love,
Giving, nurturing & embracing all seeds & new shoots,
Singing lullabies to birds flying in the sky above,
Knowing wisely when to let go, when to cut roots.

Autumn, kissing summer adieu, lets her birds fly from sweaty nest,
Garbed for last dance in blood scarlet & old burnished gold,
 Iced crystals adorning her neck, she´s feeling & looking her regal best,
She waltzes over fields, beckoning & luring the reluctant cold,
Whispering winds of death to come, & chilled sorry damp mists,
Revealing ancient secrets to man, in his innocence, yet unknown,
Ticking off one by one, chores from her many last-chance lists,
Knowing her time is near for going back to her original home.

Wearily, autumn welcomed winter, her friend & mentor, Hecate the crone,
Who came proudly greeting fall, wearing her lined life-worn face,
Snowy hair, wise eyes, wise soul & stoop of brittle wrinkled bone,
She came bowing, knowing she had found her right & final place,
Place of bare branch, iced fingers & of death´s profound sleep,
Knowing she had come to the quiet time, knowing the end is nigh,
The time when she´ll take with her, the world we know, down deep,
Soon she´ll give birth to her daughter spring, but now it´s time to die.

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