Spires, steeples
& the echoes of long-ago people,
Mingling with
grey mists of old time descending,
As footsteps from
the past, tiptoe grey & wending,
Through cobbled
alley-ways of past ancient history.
Keg carting drays,
clip-clopping through misty greys,
Passing through
mind´s distant memory, now gone,
Old streets dappled,
but where the sun never shone,
Places where all
was sold, but very little was bought.
“Cockles, mussels,
whelks”, yelled from old mouths,
“Come buy, come
buy”, on every corner, the shout,
The flower sellers,
tinkers, tailors, everyone a tout,
Now, only silence
reigns & life belongs to rats & cats.
The old town where
town-crier called to everyone & all,
And old oaks stood,
old books spoke, all in old grey stone,
Now, only ancient
creeping ivy, wrapping old slate bone,
Enfolding wafting
musty aromas, of smoky times gone by.