Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Take me to those silent dark places,
To those shadowy, cool inviting spaces,
Not to the black sinful demonic hole,
But to the dim quiet of the Prophet´s soul.

Hide me beneath the ebon plume of raven´s wing,
From the garish fiesta-lights & blatant bling,
Fly me through the moonless-moth-winged night,
Where peace reigns within the blind man´s plight.

Abscond me from the sun´s glaring intrusion,
Wrap me profoundly within operatic seclusion,
Not in hate´s gloomy, blood-black doom,
But deep down, in Neptune´s peaceful spume.  

Dip me in the dark green depths of forest ponds,
And fringe me gently beneath soft olive fronds,
Remove me from banal noise & aching light,
Invite me to where I can adjust my weary sight.

Thread me into the velvet hems of witches’ gowns,
With every stitch & step, caressing their coven’s grounds,
Pen me into the languid poet´s pretty, romantic ode,
Where the tome´s dusty pages shall be my last abode.

House me in cave, sett, lair, den, eyrie, nest or drey,
As long as it is silent & enfolding, dark & very far away,
Bury me in quiet twilight winters of soft lilac snow,
To a place where only I know & the world cannot go.

Take me to where the wide-eyed owl watches & gently hoots,
To where soft brown earth nurtures the quietly growing roots,
To where the gentle bat kisses the starry midnight skies,
Where the hungry beast awaits his prey & quietly waiting, lies.

I seek the shaded recesses of God´s beneficent mind,
“Allow me entry, I pray, my Lord, so that I may slowly unwind”,
Within the sacred places & the secrets of words unspoken,
I shall rest awhile, until my soul unfolds & is so gently awoken.

Taken all those years ago, from my mother´s warm dark womb,
And as an archer´s arrow shot, returned swiftly to my dark tomb,
But in between life´s pages, of white clarity & empty spaces,
I seek desperately & continually, those quiet, still dark places.

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